Product Guide

Population Browser


Welcome to Population Browser!

This is where you can use filters to find your population of interest.

Filter based on patient demographics, medications they are taking, quality measures, prescription details, cost, medical information, and SDOH. Save your filtered list as a static group of people through a tag or as a pre-saved active filter (Hint: from your Dashboard, you can add the saved filter as a table for easier monitoring). Go one step further and build a visualization from your table using Chart builder. Identify any population you want to track using the population browser.

Date Range

  • Select a date range to search within.
  • The default range is January 1 of the current year to present day.

Remember! Your date range specifies that only data from the specified range will be included in your view.

Filter Navigation Bar

  • Use the left hand navigation filter bar to create a population based on specific demographics, medications, quality measures, prescription details, cost, and medical information.
  • Customize your view and show or hide filter columns by checking or unchecking the box next to the filter name
    • TIP: If you are not sure what a filter is for, hover over the dotted line for a quick definition
  • Once a filter column is turned on by checking the box, you have the ability to add a filter value specific to that filter, if applicable
  • A full list of active filters are located at the upper right of the population browser window. Click the “x” on the right of each filter to remove them
  • TIP: Filters won't apply until you hit "Apply" at the bottom


  • Edit the view of your filtered population by sorting a column that is turned on using the relevant drop down menus next to the date range selection
  • TIP: If you don't see what you are looking for in the drop down, start typing in the column name and it will appear for you to select. The drop down limits how much is shown on initial click (so as not to overwhelm you with options)!

Saving as a Tag

  • Once you have found your population, add everyone to a tag so you can easily monitor or create rules on them. Click the “Save as new tag” button and enter the tag name you wish to call this group of patients
  • TIP: This will save the static list of people you have identified into a tag. The population in the tag will not change
  • TIP: Tags are universally viewed. A tag that you save can be followed, viewed, and edited by another colleague

Saving as a Filter Preset

  • Don’t need a tag but want to save this group of filters so you can easily pull them back up? Save a filter preset so the next time you come to the population browser it will only take the click of a button to pull up all the filters you currently have in place. Click “Save Filter Preset” and enter a name and description.
  • TIP: This is a fluid saved list and is saving the FILTERS that are used to find this group of people. On a daily basis as the data changes, the list of people may change based on these filters
  • TIP: Filter presets are USER specific. A filter preset you save will not be available to other colleagues

The columns in the population browser table can be dragged and dropped to an order of your choosing, HOWEVER, if you download your table as a CSV, the default column order will show.

Chart Builder

View your filtered data in a visualization

Expand “Chart Builder” and select the type of visualization you want for your filtered population. You will have to define which filters you want as your X and Y axis.

Updated 26 Nov 2024
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