My Population

Individual Provider page


Every provider has their own unique profile page

On entry, you have immediate access to:

  • Provider credentials (Name, NPI, Specialty)
  • Provider contact information (Phone, Fax, Email)

Provider contact information can be edited and updated by the user. Any numbers changed in the provider profile will be permanent and used for any contact (calling, faxing, etc) in other parts of OneDash.

  • Provider practice address

Leave a note on a provider. Notes are permanent and visible across all users inside OneDash in a given institution.

The provider prescribing tab gives you insight into prescribing trends

  • High level insights on:
    • Prescriptions in the current month
    • Prescriptions in the calendar year
    • Prescription spend in the calendar year
  • Detailed view on every prescription written and for which patient it was for
    • This table can be sorted by different columns and filtered by date range (defaults to calendar year)