Product Guide

Manual Interventions


This is where you can manually manage both your interventions and any bulk actions you want to make on selected patients. Drop each section down to learn more.

Manual Intervention opportunities are actions you take on a patient!

This is where all your manual intervention opportunities are. These may be interventions that were autogenerated after completion of a funnel or ones that you created manually.

Interventions for each individual patient can also be found in the individual patient profile.

Interventions are grouped per member. What does this mean?

  • Manual interventions table will show you members for whom you have an open intervention assigned to you, they show with the most recent members having interventions at the top of the table
  • If you own an intervention on a member, you will be able to see all the currently open interventions in addition to yours for that member. This is intentional and is meant to help you understand more holistically all the gaps identified on a member. This will allow you also to better understand what another department might be working on for this member and communicate internally, as needed.

Read below and watch some tutorial videos to learn more about using interventions!

What is an intervention opportunity?

  • An intervention, in its simplest definition, is the notification to you that a patient has a care gap that needs to be closed.
  • Each intervention has the following information:
    • The date that it was generated
    • The owner of that intervention (either an individual or a team)
    • The patient name and ID that the intervention is for
    • If the intervention was auto-generated by a rule, you will see the rule name that the intervention came from
    • The recommended action for the patient (under the intervention column)
    • A priority which you, the user, can determine for each intervention
    • A status, which defaults to new when the intervention is created, and can be changed by the user.

What can I do with interventions?

  • Interventions should be acted on, and this is where you can track all those actions
  • Single intervention actions
    • You can open up the details of each intervention using the view/edit button the right hand side of the "My Interventions" table
    • In the intervention details, the top section will provide basic details on the intervention
    • The action section allows you to
      • Track and save your actions for that intervention.
        • Faxes and text messages will track automatically on send
        • To log a call, select the type of call you made. Once selected, you will be given fields to track the person called, the number used, and an optional field of the outcome of that call.
      • Action the intervention using the action buttons (example: send a fax)
    • You can set a reminder date to come back to the intervention
      • TIP: When the reminder date is reached, the member will appear at the top of your table with a red "!" icon. Once you open up the interventions under that member, you will see the intervention due highlighted in red.
    • You can edit the owner of the intervention, the priority, and the status
    • You can leave notes on your intervention for appropriate tracking and documentation. These notes are fully editable until the intervention is completed
      • TIP: Once an intervention is completed, notes left inside the intervention are a permanent part of the patient's profile. Only addendums can be made.
  • Bulk intervention actions
    • Within the table, click on all the interventions you wish to act on using the check boxes on the left hand side of the "my interventions" table
    • Utilize the bulk select menu to change the owner, priority, and/or status of all the interventions selected (make sure you hit save after your selections!). It also allows you to take actions like sending faxes to all the providers of the selected interventions
  • Faxing tips
    • You can select up to 4 taxonomies, in which case the fax will preference the send in the order of taxonomies selected
    • As an alternative to selecting taxonomies, you can also select to fax the provider that most recently wrote the prescription
    • Once the provider is found, the fax number will default to what is on file from the pharmacy claims, but if that fax number is missing, it will pull a number from the NPI registry
      • TIP: Fax numbers can be updated in each providers unique page. If a provider is missing a fax number or you find an updated one, adding it to the providers profile will save it permanently as the fax number to use when sending faxes
    • Every fax will show up as its own line item in bulk actions

What is the best way to manage my interventions?

It is easy to get lost in the sea of interventions! We recommend using intervention filters to find exactly which interventions you want to work on

Intervention Filters

Filters will pull on a member level! Filtering for any of the below will pull up all members for which you have an assigned intervention that matches the filter being applied. You will on default see all open interventions for that member, even if they are assigned to someone else. This is intentional as the goal is to give you a wholistic view of the member and all open care gaps.

  • Rule Category: Find all interventions that were generated from rules in a specific category
  • Rule Name: Find all interventions that were generated from a specific rule
  • Intervention: Find all interventions that make a specific intervention recommendation
  • Status: Find all interventions that meet a specific status (you can select more than one)
  • Priority: Find all interventions that meet a specific priority (you can select more than one)

You can also use the search bar and type in the ID number of a patient to see only interventions on that one patient. Note* you must type in the entire patient ID for the search to be successful

Updated 11 Mar 2025
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