Financial Outcomes
Welcome to Financial Outcomes!
This is where you can view financial return on investment for your clinical program interventions.
There are two financial outcomes sections!
Pre/Post Intervention Financial Outcomes: View the change before and after your clinical intervention using the pre/post financial outcomes tab
General Financial Trends: View general financial trends on a selected population
Use this section if you want to see how a given intervention has changed the financial outcomes of your selected population.
To get started on this page:
Select a population:
- Rule: Selecting a rule will include all patients that had an intervention generated from that rule and provide their financial outcomes before and after the date that the intervention generated
- Plan: Selecting a plan will include all patients that have been included in that plan. The plan start date will be the one that was selected for the population or the one that was selected for each patient. (See "My Population" for further information on creating a plan)
Select the time period:
- Months for PMPM: Select the number of months of data you would like to include for the PMPM calculation
Once all selections have been made, click on apply filters.
Description of Tables and Graphs
Table/Graph | Description | Tips for use |
Pharmacy Pre/Post plan | Pulls all pharmacy spend from the specified number of months before and after the intervention/plan start date and shows the cumulative pharmacy spend of the patients in this cohort | This cumulative spend changes depending on the number of months entered in "Months for PMPM" |
Medical Pre/Post plan | Pulls all medical spend from the specified number of months before and after the intervention/plan start date and shows the cumulative medical spend of the patients in this cohort | This cumulative spend changes depending on the number of months entered in "Months for PMPM" |
PMPM (Total Patients in Plan) | Calculates and shows the pharmacy and medical pre/post PMPM based on the total number of patients in the plan and the selected number of months. | Shows the change in spend before and after the plan/intervention for patients included in this analysis |
PMPM (Total Covered Lives) | Calculates and shows the pharmacy and medical pre/post PMPM based on the total covered lives in the health plan and the selected number of months | Shows a true PMPM calculation and the impact of spend on all covered lives |
Pharmacy and Medical Cost by Month | Shows spend/month trend for the number of months selected pre and post intervention | Medical or Pharmacy expenditure can be toggled on and off within this graph to view only one at a time. Hover over a data point to see an exact value |
Plan Spend | Shows calculated average monthly pharmacy, medical, and total spend pre and post plan/intervention date. | Average is based on the number of months entered in "Months for PMPM" |
Average Pharmacy spend by Demographic | Shows calculated average pharmacy spend for each demographic cohort before and after the intervention/plan start | The average spend is calculated using spend data from the specified number of months entered in "Months for PMPM" |
Average Medical Spend by Demographic | Shows calculated average medical spend for each demographic cohort before and after the intervention/plan start | The average spend is calculated using spend data from the specified number of months entered in "Months for PMPM" |
PMPM Trends by Month | Shows monthly PMPM for pharmacy, medical, and total spend pre and post intervention/plan start | Any line can be hidden to refine the view in the graph. Number of pre/post months visible is based on value entered for "Months for PMPM". Hover over a data point to see an exact value |
Expenditure by member | Shows all patients included in the analysis and additional patient spend details. | Member ID's can be clicked and will direct you to that specific patient's individual profile page |