Product Guide

Clinical Outcomes


Welcome to Clinical Outcomes!

This is where you can view clinical return on investment for your clinical program interventions.

There are two clinical outcomes sections!

Pre/Post Intervention Clinical Outcomes: View the change before and after your clinical intervention using the pre/post clinical outcomes tab

General Clinical Trends: View general clinical trends on a selected population

Pre/Post Intervention Clinical Outcomes
General Clinical Trends

Use this section see how clinical program interventions have affect clinical outcomes

Select a population:

  • Rule: Selecting a rule will include all patients who have had an intervention generated on them within the selected rule. The plan start date automatically becomes the date that the intervention was generated.
  • Plan: Selecting a plan will include all patients that have been included in that plan. The plan start date will be the one that was selected for the population or the one that was selected for each patient. (See "My Population" for further information on creating a plan)

Select the time period:

  • Pre/Post # of Months: Select the number of months before and after the plan/intervention start date to pull clinical data for analysis. If no selection is made, the default is 6 months pre/post.

Focus in (Optional):

  • Patient is taking (GPI): Use this filter if you would like the narrow your clinical evaluation to only specific drugs that your selected population is on. Selecting GPI's in this section will provide you clinical analyitcs on ONLY the drugs selected (For example, selecting the GPI for antidiabetic medications will provide you clinical analytics for only that group of drugs in the chosen population)
  • Patient is NOT taking (GPI): Use this filter if you would like your clinical evaluation to NOT include specific drugs that may be on a patient's profile. (For example, you may want to exclude insulin medications when looking at adherence for a diabetic population)

Once all selections have been made, click on apply filter.

Description of Tables and Graphs

Adherence per patient is calculated based on time of first fill of the medication (in historical records) to the time/date shown.

Remember, if the GPI filters are being utilized, data calculated/shown is based only on the medications selected, OR will exclude specified medications in the calculation.



Tips for Use

Medication Adherence

Shows average adherence before and after a patient had an intervention

Adherence pre intervention is adherence the month before "0" (Zero is the date of intervention). Adherence post intervention is the adherence at in the last month that falls into your selected pre/post # of months.

Number of Patients above 80% adherence

Shows number of patients that had an adherence above 80% before and after an intervention

Calculation is based on the number of pre/post months. Remember that if the GPI filters are being utilized, data calculated/shown is based only on the medications selected, OR will exclude specified medications in the calculation.

Number of ED visits/Hospital Admissions

Shows the sume of ED visits and hospital visits

Calculation is based on the number of pre/post months. Remember that if the GPI filters are being utilized, data calculated/shown is based only on the medications selected, OR will exclude specified medications in the calculation.

Average Adherence by month

Shows an average adherence of all patients included in the analysis for each month.

Number of months shown can be adjusted using input "pre/post # of months". Remember, if the graph bottoms out, it might be that the post months are in the future and no data exists yet.

Average adherence by demographic

Shows average adherence of all patients before and after intervention date in each demographic cohort

Adherence pre intervention is adherence the month before "0" (Zero is the date of intervention). Adherence post intervention is the adherence at in the last month that falls into your selected pre/post # of months. Data pulled for calculations are dependent on input "pre/post # of months"

#of ED/Hospital visits by demographic

Shows sum of ED/Hospital visits before and after the intervention date in each demographic cohort

Data pulled for sum calculations are dependent on input "pre/post # of months"

Expenditure by member

Shows a table of all patients within the selected cohort

Clicking on a member ID number will take you into that

Updated 21 Feb 2024
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Doc contributor
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