OneDash Release Updates
March 13th, 2025
New Features
- OneDash Dark Mode: OneDash Dark Mode is now available in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Give your eyes a little break.
Feature Enhancements/Changes
- Manual Interventions and actions have been reorganized on a member level
- For more holistic views on the work being done for each member, your manual interventions are now organized per member
- OneDash has a new logo and favicon!
- Quality Outcomes Poly-ACH and COB overlap counts now have downloadable CSV's for you to see exactly which members are in which population
- OneDash pages are now responsive - they will resize if you choose to login to OneDash from a tablet, or if you shrink your viewing window on a laptop. The smallest resolution it will adapt to is 768x881 pixels
- Faxing feature update - manually enter recipient: when faxing on a single intervention, you now have an option to manually enter a provider recipient for a provider that has not prescribed for the patient.
- Prescription reversal records now show a negative number if a prescription was reversed, rather than the overpunch code.
Bug Fixes
- Minor UI Fixes
- Dashboard "recently viewed patients"widget is now paginated to prevent list overflow
- Dashboard "autoclosed interventions table" widget now shows assigned team names on closed interventions
- Population browser filter reset button was not properly resetting the filters - issue resolved
- Goal names in automate are not editable and update immediately
- Search bar in my tags now works properly
January 29th, 2025
Data Enhancements/Changes
- AMR NDC update: Following the notice from NCQA regarding the removal of AMR NDC's that had incorrect package size information, NDC changes have been made to reflect the changes from NCQA.
Feature Enhancements/Changes
- Intervention modal usage enhancements
- Intervention Details can now be expanded or collapsed based on user preference
- The Action tracking in your intervention modal has been updated to show only actions that have been taken rather than the entire list of possible actions
- Action tracking for calls now includes an optional field for "Record action outcome". Use this field to add any outcome of a call you've made, whether is was making a recommendation to the provider or getting a prescription filled.
- Individual patient prescriptions table changes
- Pharmacy phone number and pharmacy type (mail order, retail, etc) have been added and are now available in the table
- The table has been reorganized for easier viewing of vital data.
- Automated faxes can now also utilize fax templates that include manual free-form text input.
- New tags can now only be made by admin user accounts. If you are a clinical user and would like a new tag, please contact an admin user in your company or submit a ticket to CaryHealth to create one for you.
- Financial outcomes and Clinical outcomes pages are being reworked. In the new release, the pages have been limited to a top level insight of financial or clinical performance. Graphs, heat maps, and data tables will be added in over the next release. If you require additional data around financial or clinical outcomes, please submit a ticket and we will take care of your request for your outside of these pages.
Bug Fixes
- Minor UI fixes
- Line spacing for patient notes in profiles was adjusted to account for longer text.
- Intervention statistics numbers line display have been made uniform
December 17th, 2024
New Features
- Automate: This new section in the left hand navigation includes the ability to automate actions after identification. Automations can be built under a specified goal as either a repeating workflow or a funnel
- Workflows: Build a workflow that will repeat an action on a set cadence until that gap closes.
- Funnels: Build a funnel that will step through a series of actions if the identified care gap is not closed.
- Teams: Admin users can now create a team of users to collectively work on interventions together. Every member of a team will be able to view manual interventions assigned to that team. With this addition, you will now also notice filters throughout OneDash that allow you to filter or assign to a team.
- Departments: Users and Rule categories can now be assigned to departments for better organization when multiple departments are utilizing OneDash
Feature Enhancements/Changes
- UI Re-design: OneDash has been redesigned!
- The "Act" Section of OneDash is now organized in two sections: Automate and Manual
- Manual replaces what used to be called "Interventions". Nothing other than the name of this page has changed
- Automate is where you will find your automations, including workflows and funnels (see above)
- Faxing
- Bulk resend is now available for faxes that have failed to send
- Interventions now have a running fax history available for view on failed faxes. To view history, click on the resend button under a failed fax in Intervention Actions
- Reports: The reports page has been reorganized into three categories. A new category for a custom variable needed to download the report as been added. You can now either just download a standard report that does not require additional input, download a report that requires a custom input (like a date), or download a report that requires a custom population to be inputted for the data pull.
- Every rule can now show its search parameters
- Tags page details: You now have the ability to click into a tag for any tag that has <10,000 individuals and view details on the members in a tag. You can track your work on members of a tag through this view
- Manual intervention completion outcome of "Fax intervention" has been removed
- Additional action call logging of "Failed call - Busy" and "Failed call - wrong/disconnect" has been added to the intervention modal
Bug Fixes
- Ability to remove a reminder date on an intervention if no longer needed
November 7th, 2024
New Features
- Release update banner! OneDash releases will be announced on login with a link here to see what's new!
- New user tutorial mode - On first login for a new user, there is a brief tutorial mode that will walk users through the functionality of the left hand navigation tools.
Feature Enhancements
- Quality outcomes graphs can now be downloaded as an image
- Intervention reminder dates - when a reminder date is reached, interventions will flag to the top in a light red highlight
Bug fixes
- Phone number formatting fixed for manual call log in intervention actions
- Drop down menu select button fixes
Updated 11 Mar 2025

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