OneDash Features

Click each tab below to find out more about each focus area.
My Population/Individual patient pages:
- Follow specific patients for easy access to their unique health profiles
- Place a group of patients into a tag
Population Browser:
- Ability to create a patient cohort based on demographics, medications, quality measures, prescription details, cost, medical information, and social determinants of health
- Create rules to automatically scan a selected population for a set of parameters. Rules result in auto-generated interventions that tell the user what the member may need to improve their health. Rules can search for gaps or benchmarks around any set of data, including but not limited to, pharmacy claims, spend, and medical claims.
Bidirectional EHR Connection
OneDash can connect to any EHR in a Health System or Retail Pharmacy with a bidirectional data layer, allowing you real-time access to:
- Listen for appointments being scheduled with outpatient providers
- Listen for any kind of inpatient usage
- Query EHR systems for additional data (Medical conditions, allergies, encounter notes, diagnostic reports, immunizations, etc)
- Connect to retail pharmacy databases to get claims data on out of pocket or coupon payments
This data can then be utilized in rules to identify any population of interest. For eaxmple, automatically identify hospital discharges or missed medical appointments.
Updated 26 Nov 2024

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