Product Guide

Intervention Statistics


Welcome to Intervention Statistics.

This is where you can generate reports on actions and interventions taken.

The page presents information in three main sections:

Section 1: Intervention Statistic Filters

These filters allow you to find and pull reports on only the interventions of interest.

You can filter by:

  • Date(s) the interventions were initially created
  • Who completed the intervention
  • All interventions that were generated by rules in a rule category
  • All interventions that have the same recommended intervention
  • Actions that were completed within an intervention (you can select more than one)
  • The status of interventions (you can select more than one)
  • The outcomes of interventions

Section 2: Summary Action Statistics

Summary action statistics will provide you with the sum of all the actions that were made within the filtered list of interventions in the "Intervention Statistics" table. As you change the intervention filters on the right hand side these summary action statistics will recalculate based on the interventions filtered.

Section 3: Intervention Statistics

As you select your filters, the intervention statistics table will update to reflect your selection. The table shows all interventions that meet your specified filters and shows:

  • The date the intervention was created
  • Who owns the intervention
  • The patient name and ID the intervention is for
  • The category of the rule the intervention was generated from
  • The recommended intervention
  • The current status
  • The total number of actions that were recorded for that interventions
  • Whether the intervention was successful or unsuccessful (open interventions will show N/A)

You can view the intervention details by clicking the eye button under view. Note this is a view only window and nothing can be changed from this page.

{% embed url="" %} Watch to see a brief tutorial about how the intervention statistics page works {% endembed %}

Updated 22 Aug 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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