
Clair + Clair Co-pilot

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Clair Co-Pilot in OneDash is mean to improve efficiency in patient work ups, providing every user details on a patient in a matter of minutes

To use the Clair Co-Pilot, find the above icon in the upper right hand corner of OneDash and toggle it on to enable its features.
To use the Clair Co-Pilot, find the above icon in the upper right hand corner of OneDash and toggle it on to enable its features.

AI Patient Insights

AI Patient insights gives you a instant patient summary based on the patient's medical, pharmacy, and lab data. Insights can be accessed in one of two ways

1) In an individual patient page, AI Patient Insights can be run from right underneath a Patient's Health Journey.

2) When navigating the Manual Intervention Table or the Population Browser, on hover, you will have the ability to click on the Clair icon and trigger an Insight overlay

Click on the dark purple Clair icon on the right of the row
Click on the dark purple Clair icon on the right of the row

  • Patient insights that are run from a table will save in that member's profile for you to return to in the individual patient page, if needed.
  • Insights can be rerun daily and will generate in real time with the most recent data.
  • Insights, when run, will provide you with references for where the data was extracted from.

Updated 26 Nov 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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