Table of Contents
Product Guide



  1. Dispense Counts
    1. View a clear count of the number of prescription fills Today, This Month, & This Year, & the Selected Time Range.
      1. Selected Time Range is set with the Date Range filter on the top right part of the page.
    2. Counts include all manufacturer’s drugs by default and can be filtered by drug label. 
  2. Dispense Insights
    1. Dispense Insights map shows a breakdown of prescription fills by the patient’s state. 
    2. This data can be filtered by drug label and/or a selected date range.
  3. Provider Browser
    1. The provider browser provides insight into what providers are prescribing your medications and how many of those prescriptions are being filled
    2. Each row shows the following information on a provider who has prescribed your medication.
      1. Provider’s name & NPI
      2. Provider location
      3. Written prescriptions
      4. Prescriptions that have been filled at least once
      5. Total number of fills for that provider’s prescriptions

Updated 16 Dec 2024
Doc contributor
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