Table of Contents
Product Guide
- Dispense Counts
- View a clear count of the number of prescription fills Today, This Month, & This Year, & the Selected Time Range.
- Selected Time Range is set with the Date Range filter on the top right part of the page.
- Counts include all manufacturer’s drugs by default and can be filtered by drug label.
- Dispense Insights
- Dispense Insights map shows a breakdown of prescription fills by the patient’s state.
- This data can be filtered by drug label and/or a selected date range.
- Provider Browser
- The provider browser provides insight into what providers are prescribing your medications and how many of those prescriptions are being filled
- Each row shows the following information on a provider who has prescribed your medication.
- Provider’s name & NPI
- Provider location
- Written prescriptions
- Prescriptions that have been filled at least once
- Total number of fills for that provider’s prescriptions